
The Roots of Obama's Nefarious Communist Volunteerist Plot - Revealed!

SanFranciscoZionist10/21/2009 9:55:03 am PDT

re: #204 DaddyG

Good start, but the more mainstream include - Al Frankin, Harry Reed, John Murtha, Cyntha McKinney, Code Pink, and a more than a few Obama mentors, advisors and campaign workers with an underlying disdain for the red state flyover country hicks.

OK, I’m not addressing ‘underlying disdain’, given the outright scorn shown for the blue state chardonnay-swilling swells who just don’t care about this country and its small-town values at the RNC.

Franken, Reed and Murtha are actual elected office-holders, so they do fall into a separate category of ‘official’, although I will match certain Republicans against them for teh crazy any day.

I would say that McKinney, and CodePink, fall into the same category as Sheehan, et al. Medea Benjamin is CodePink, btw.

Were/are these groups influential? I would argue that Sheehan, McKinney, etc. never had the kind of influence that Beck and Limbaugh have. They don’t have shows, they don’t have books on the best-seller list, and the Democratic party certainly never showed them the kind of deference that Limbaugh, say, routinely gets. CodePink picketed Feinstein, Boxer and Pelosi’s homes, and there was zip response. I wonder what would happen if Rush or Glenn decided to camp out in front of major Republican’s residences to shame them into changing policy? McKinney has, as far as I can tell, no influence at all outside of the college radical’s circuit. Maybe in local politics.

Move.on probably came closest to mainstreamaninity.

Tell me what you think. I can only see this from inside my own perspective, but from here, the right-wing crazies seem to be burrowing deeper than the left-wing ones. Tell me what you see.