
Obama's In the House

Cato the Elder3/20/2010 2:36:13 pm PDT

re: #207 pingjockey

It’s enough to make me cry and has in frustration and rage. It just boggles the mind sometimes the thought processes the bean counters at the VA use.

In these cases it doesn’t even get to the VA. The Pentagon docs make the decision at the time the wounded vet is discharged.

There is an appeals process, but it ain’t pretty.

Can you imagine signing up to serve your country, getting nearly blown up (and two of your buddies actually dying, say), coming back with permanent ringing in your ears, night sweats, nightmares, and debilitating insomnia, for example, and then being told you were unstable to begin with? Discharged with no benefits and told to go to the fucking emergency room when things get bad?