
Moron vs. Moron in Alabama Governor Race

austin_blue5/11/2010 5:58:20 pm PDT

re: #171 eclectic infidel

Specifically, my initial post on this topic referenced a link that Space Jesus shared:

Bus Stop Bible Studies: Ask God Important Questions.

I completely understand how the last sentence containing “…open season” could be seen as being confrontational. Ultimately, if someone is ready to evangelize to me, they need to be ready to hear my objection, and if they persist, be prepared to be mocked (usually a last ditch effort to get them to back off).

That said, given the nature of evangelical bus ads, all bets are off.

Mocking is pointless. Just ask them if they would care to discuss “My Lord, Satan?” I promise you it will end the discussion in a fury of fluttering and confusion. (Nice alliteration, eh?)

Don’t mock the faithful, lest ye be mocked.

As for the bus ads, is life that short for you? Let it roll over you. It really hurts no one. It’s just opinion. Some people have faith that life begins at conception. I agree. But I don’t think *human* life begins at conception. My faith is that human life begins when you have a functional cerebral cortex. It is what we say is the *end* of human life, after all. Just ask any heart transplant recipient if they disagree.