
Acoustic Excellence: Luca Stricagnoli, "Snow (Hey Oh)" (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Eclectic Cyborg8/14/2019 8:33:09 am PDT

So I’ve been thinking about this kid who was busted with the 25 guns and the 10 000 rounds of ammo and I keep coming to back to this: “Who the hell, besides a gun collector, needs THAT many guns??”

I mean, you only have two hands so you can fire at most two weapons at a time. Even being creative, the most amount of guns you could get on your person at once might be what, around 10 maybe? And those would have to mostly be handguns. I just don’t see the tactical advantage to having an arsenal like that.

If it it were me, I’d focus on maybe four key weapons I thought could get the job done and bring plenty of ammo for each.