
Jindal on Meet the Press

yma o hyd2/22/2009 9:56:43 am PST

Here’s an interesting idea from Jeb Bush:
Jeb Bush borrows from UK to take on president:

Couple of quotes:
‘Faced with the prospect of trying to counter Barack Obama’s rock-star-like appeal, Republicans should opt for a British-style shadow cabinet to engage the new Democratic team as it struggles with measures to mend America’s economy, Bush declared last week.’

‘“We are well positioned to go on [the] offensive,” Bush said. “But a respectful opposition is important. Republicans lose when it gets into a big food fight.” Bush believes the British model of shadow ministers offering a running critique of government policies may prove the best way of “providing solid policy alternatives” without putting off voters by seeming too hostile to Obama.’

Whaddaya think of that?