
Anti-Abortion Group Claims Scott Roeder is 'Not One of Us'

TheQuis6/01/2009 12:42:47 pm PDT

re: #221 Barb42

I was in the Pro-Life movement for many, many years. I picketed, I helped women who were pregnant, I worked with the handicapped, I helped women who had abortions and grieved for that baby for years. It was hard work and we took a lot of you-know-what from the haters. This jerk is not representative, nor an official part of any legitimate group. He is a nut. Period. One crazy person who wants to be famous does not cancel out the hard work of the millions of Pro-Life people out there. Get real.

I’m Pro-Choice. And I applaud your efforts. This is what I believe more of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice movement should be about. Helping those who have a tough decision and if they chose life, helping them so that they can honor the commitment that they’ve taken with that child either by being a better parent or finding better parents. I salute you.