
Days Before RNC Featuring Two Birther Speakers, Romney Makes Birther 'Joke'

Gus8/24/2012 12:05:15 pm PDT

D’Souza on Abu Ghraib

With regard to the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, D’Souza asserted that the abuse to the prisoners was due to the “sexual immodesty of liberal America” and that Abu Ghraib reflected “the values of a debauched liberalism run amok.” Dinesh also claims that had Charles Graner and Lynndie England been “professors at an elite liberal arts college, their videotaped orgies might easily have become the envy of academia. If they were artists staging these pictures in a loft in SoHo they could have been hailed as pioneers and encouraged by leftist admirers to apply for a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.”

Enough already. The man is an idiot.