
Another GOP Senate Candidate Who Thinks Rape Is God's Way of Giving Women Babies

Targetpractice10/24/2012 12:32:08 pm PDT

re: #211 HappyWarrior

That too. Plus I think the electorate is ridiculously impatient. Obama didn’t fix things totally in four years so let’s elect a guy who proposes much of the same crap that got us in the mess to start with. If I didn’t think Romney’s policies would be so bad for the country, I’d like to see him become the victim of voter amnesia but my desire is greater to see Obama get a second term than Romney to get his just desserts.

We’re an instant gratification society. If we get two choices, one shitty but instant and one good but a week away, we’ll pick the shitty one and hope we can make the “best” of it. In this case, Romney out there saying “I’ll give you 12 million jobs!,” in his best used car salesman pitch, and people are going “Well, it’s worth a shot.”