
New Bill to Put Texas Creationists Under the Microscope

traderjoe94/02/2009 11:13:43 pm PDT

re: #208 NY Nana

Take a look at this article that I put in the spinoffs….I suggest that you check your B/P…mine hasn’t started to come down yet, and I nearly washed my mouth out with soap for what I have been saying. Yes, it is that bad, and The One and Shrillary are aiming to destroy Israel.

Sorry to go OT….

Yup. What I love about Lieberman is that there is NO WAY that he is going to take a backseat as foreign minister. He is loud, outspoken, and will absolutely make sure that he is heard and that he is participating. And at that - I don’t believe he is quite as weak as Bibi was and probably still is. I think that Lieberman will really define Israel the next four years…