
LGF Poll: Which GOP Candidate Has the Best Chance?

Killgore Trout9/06/2011 2:49:30 pm PDT

re: #207 EmmmieG

Okay, everyone, it is September, better known as Emergency Preparedness month.

I know a lot of you are well prepared from your responses last year.

I am here to nag the rest of you.

First off—water. You don’t want to be paying $40.56 a crate at Best Buy.

Emergency plans—have them? Gone over fire safety and had a mock fire drill in your home? What about Grandma? Does your extended family have an emergency plan for Grandma or Aunt Betsy?

Meds. They aren’t just for recreation.

Food. Have you thought about what could be eaten without power?

Heat. I know right now everyone east of the Rockies is thinking they could live without it for a while, but really. Heat.

This is not a comprehensive list, and I’m not done nagging. I’m sure others have things to add to the list as well.

Along with my garden harvest of squash, beans, quinoa, dried tomatoes, etc I keep a couple jars of peanut butter, a couple dozen tins of sardines and about 20 pounds of rice on hand at all times.
I also have a hand cranked flashlight/radio too.