
Dear Diary: Today I Read an Article Defending People Who Think the Earth Is Flat

ObserverArt1/31/2016 8:38:51 am PST

Jesus Freakin’ Christ on a broken pogo stick!

After reading through this thread (and it’s featured topic comments), watching the local NBC political show and then a bit of Meet Todd’s Pathos I am just stunned.

Usually election seasons bring out the stupid. This time it not only has brought it out, many are rolling around in it, tossing it in the air in celebration and serving it as the best thing ever to consume.

Is this what is like to watch a great nation and society fall apart? I need to know as I don’t have a lot of experience.

All I know is this is just not right. Trump. Cruz. Rand. Flat earth, Anti-vax. Patriots taking lands from the people. Media avoiding their jobs. What the Fuckity Fuck???