
Ted Cruz Says He Would Pardon Center for Medical Progress Fraudster David Daleiden

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN2/25/2016 5:08:28 pm PST

I have a mystery for the lizards. I have an employee who is a bit overmatched by things, but we found a place for her to work and not cause too much harm. Anyway, she made a typo. Again it was in a spreadsheet all by itself and didn’t do any harm. But for the life of me I can’t figure out what the hell the damn thing is or how she did it! Here is a photo of the typo:

Typo, I don’t know why it’s lying sideways here

When I copy and paste the text in the cell, all I get is: œ1/2

So I don’t know what that characters on the right edge are. If I paste it in Google two things happen: If I do it straight from the cell, Google give me a list of coding error sites. If I paste the text (œ1/2) Google gives me Angstrom stuff (Angstrom is a very small unit of length - atomic scale). I’m saving a copy with the typo just because of the mystery and its uniqueness.