
Pat Buchanan: Hitler Wasn't So Bad

Honorary Yooper9/01/2009 11:13:45 am PDT

re: #200 norman1905

Buchanan gets Churchill wrong. The war was unnecessary because no one stood up to Hitler when they had the chance. He saw the war coming years before 1939, but France and UK were tired of war and just put their heads in the sand.

Yes, plenty of opportunities to stop the Austrian paperhanger, but none were taken.

The French could’ve retaken the Rhineland with a single division.
Mussolini could’ve been smarter about Hitler’s designs on Austria.
The British could’ve said no at Munich and stopped him from occupying the Sudetenland.
Stalin could’ve had a more aggressive stance instead of signing the non-aggression pact.

Plenty of opportunities passed everyone by. It is a lesson to be remembered and not repeated.