
Drip, Drip, Drip: Now We Learn That Trump Launched a Scheme to Discredit Potential FBI Witnesses Last June

Captain Ron1/26/2018 10:45:39 pm PST

re: #226 retired cynic

I have a friend who used to raise “wolf-dogs.’ I have no idea of the genetics, but they looked like wolves. They certainly did not seem to be dangerous, but her area outlawed them, and they were seized. It broke her heart, as they were truly members of her family.

And I know all about how some “dangerous” breeds like pitbulls and dobermans can be raised properly, and I have met some personally that seemed to be fine upon casual acquaintance, but who had triggers that sent them into another dimension. A dimension I did not care to be in!

So personal experience mixed.

All the pitbulls I’ve known through friends have been really nice and calm. I’m still not a fan of the dog, but they have been far less aggressive than wolf hybrids I’ve known. Wolves are not even close to being pets. I’d trust a pet bear over a wolf.