
The Ham Scandal That Wasn't

The False God7/20/2009 10:16:37 am PDT

I have a few questions:

1) Even if it was misleading, why would an official expenditure report fail to list the amount of item purchased correctly? The report I saw, pre-explanation, made it seem like money was spent without product being bought. The big issue is… who is in charge of this record keeping, and why is it so shoddily done? Why is this being overlooked?

2) 1.50 for a pound of ham? What the hell. Who is getting kickbacks for that kind of over-expenditure, and why is our money being used for it?

3) Why is the federal government making direct food purchases in bulk? Aren’t federal funds supposed to be appropriated to state/local agencies for disaster relief, to be used at local discretion? It’s absurd to buy the food at a national level. Where/how the hell are we going to store/move that kind of food, and why?