
14th Amendment Under Attack in Arizona

Rightwingconspirator1/27/2011 6:57:09 pm PST

So many great points made in this thread!

I just want to add one little thing. What stands out to me is why going after the 14th is very telling.

See to reduce all this illegal immigration all you have to do is truly strictly criminalize hiring/paying illegal immigrants. If it were an offense that would get you incarcerated, on the scale say of a DUI, (fines for first offense weeks or months of real jail time for any further conviction) well with no paying jobs no reason to cross without your immigration status as a legal worker.

But no, that would mean punishing white people. American people. This they dare not advocate. They simply have not got the cojones. They only have the balls to attack the defenseless, the cowards that they are.