
Breaking: NJ Mayor Cory Booker Wins Democratic Primary for US Senate

SidewaysQuark8/14/2013 7:32:42 am PDT

re: #222 Bulworth

If I was Stalin* I’d have been pretty damn pissed about the failure of the Allies to establish a wide-scale second front before D-Day during which Russia bore the brunt of the Nazi offensive. Says a lot about the Nazi military build up during the ‘30’s and it’s abilities that it could more or less hold the West at bay for three years while also launching a full-scale invasion of Russia.

*Not that I feel sorry for Stalin exactly…he signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler and was a butcher in his own right, etc. But the Russian people suffered greatly (a huge understatement).

Your asterisk nails the point. Had Stalin not been a conniving S.O.B. from the start, Hitler may never have achieved the position to wreak such havoc on Russia in the first place. The disgusting bloodshed on the Eastern Front was a result of abysmal leadership failures and betrayal on the part of two tyrants.