
Seth Meyers: Trump Lies About Taxes, Health Care, Basically Everything

Barefoot Grin9/29/2017 9:26:18 am PDT

I saw that Dr. Seuss is trending. Apparently a librarian for an elementary school in Cambridge, MA declined to accept a gift from Melania Trump saying that they already have 9,000 volumes, there are schools that are more in need, and Seuss is a bit “cliche” and contains “racist images.”

It was a dumb thing to do and dumber to say, but apparently now everybody on the left thinks Dr. Seuss is racist (he did, in fact, produce some anti-Japanese propaganda, IIRC, during the war). I hate to paint with a broad brush, but a lot of conservative twitter users aren’t well acquainted with critical thinking.

This will be on Tucker Carlson for three weeks and the librarian will lose her job. [prediction]