
Gingrich: Park51 Community Center is 'Hostile to Our Civilization'

HRH Stanley Sea7/29/2010 7:37:19 am PDT
And we learned the other day that federal prisoner No. 84888-054, a k a Bernard B. Kerik, is also firmly opposed to this center. Mr. Kerik, the former police commissioner, said as much via Twitter from a medium-security prison in Cumberland, Md. A spokesman for the federal Bureau of Prisons speculated that a relative or friend may have transmitted the message; inmates are forbidden access to the Internet, Twitter included.

It was interesting to discover that Mr. Kerik considers it an outrage to have a Muslim center near ground zero. You may recall the disclosures about his post-9/11 trysts with his book publisher, Judith Regan. He had no qualms about taking her to an apartment overlooking the World Trade Center site that was supposed to be reserved for exhausted rescue workers. That, somehow, did not dishonor the dead.

It’s a good thing we were paying attention back in grade school. Otherwise, we might feel it is O.K. to take Mr. Kerik to task for having had illicit sex at ground zero.

LOL, hypocrites!