
David Corn Explains How Journalists Are Colluding With Conservatives to Create Propaganda

piratedan8/05/2013 10:04:40 pm PDT

and so… as “partisan” as Corn is reputed to be, in the 47% video, he kept the name of the source secret until the source decided to out himself….. and provided the tape to others to guarantee it’s authenticity. In this reporting, he’s posting memos and who he received his information from that actually shows that yeah, there is coordination between the political operatives and media that represent the Right to “stay on message” and make sure that the Tea Party message is undiluted.

as so many of the Snowden/Greenwald faithful claim, don’t shoot the messenger, listen to the message. Except this time the messenger actually has the goods and hasn’t broken any laws and hasn’t fled the country. The scary thing is, these guys have no problems whatsoever fabricating whatever they need when they aren’t busy twisting any event to their purposes. These crazy nutjobs really have drunk the kool aid and think that this country is in mortal danger if they’re not in charge. They find it impossible that the majority of the country disagrees with them and they’re not willing to let that pass.

In short, these fuckers scare me.