
San Diego Business Owner Takes in Migrant Family, Receives Death Threats From Right Wingers

Lidane8/08/2014 10:21:19 am PDT

re: #4 Targetpractice

After years of seeing this noxious and xenophobic crap in Europe, seeing it here in the US is depressing as hell.

Oh, but didn’t you know? The REAL racist and the REAL threat to America is the blah guy in the White House:

Anti-Immigrant Activist Fears Obama Plans For FEMA Coffins ‘To Handle 200 Million Deaths’

This kind of paranoid, delusional fearmongering is what triggers people into sending death threats and attacking a man for hosting a refugee family. This is the kind of shit we’re dealing with. It’s not rational, and it’s not based on any logic. It’s complete and total fear of The Other.