
Video: GOP Convention Prayer - "Our Enemy Is Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party!"

majii7/18/2016 3:30:56 pm PDT

Since Burns is black, from the South, and knows what this means, he can soo my loo. The pandering b*st*rd will sell Jesus Christ out to a lying, cheating, misogynistic, homophobic platform-supporting, divisive know-nothing. Shame on him. If he thinks Trump really cares anything about him other than how he can use him to achieve a goal, he’s the biggest tool in S.C. If he also thinks that going to the RNC Convention to support Trump is going to make more of us blacks vote for Trump, he’s the biggest tool in America. Burns is why I don’t listen to other so-called prominent blacks like Cornel West and Ben Carson—-their only interest is in themselves. They’ll do anything it takes to increase the size of their bank account and to be able to “rub shoulders” with the “in” crowd. F*ck -em, f*ck ‘em all. Every one of them.