
Iowa Cafe Owner Offended by Romney and His Arrogant Staff

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/13/2012 11:42:13 am PDT

re: #19 What, me worry?

It’s her cafe. He should have made an extra special point to meet with her.

Actually, I think the fact that she’s a Republican (I’m guessing) is far more telling. Romney does not resonate with his base. Rick Perry? Absolutely. He’s a down-home kinda dude. There ain’t nothing down-home about Romney.

The Tea Party has been duped by the 1%. The 1% created the Tea Party nonsense by taking the old “tax and spend liberals” mantra to new heights - adding in the cry of “less government.” We ALL want less government, but not for things that would actually help the middle class (like less taxes). No, the 1% wants less government on corporations so they can pollute where they want, hire who they want, or rather NOT hire who they want, and basically get government out of their way so they can increase the profits and step on the rest of us. All in Ayn Randian style.

Romney may not necessarily be Tea Party, but he’s still the face of the GOP and when it gets down to it, it’s just one face.

The 1% and Tea Party being one reminds me of the Family Guy where Peter joined the Tea Party and his wealthy FiL pretends to be a blue collar type to get him and the other midle class people to support the TP. It was actually a pretty spot on indictment of how poorly the TP activists understand how things work.