
Thursday Night Acoustic Jam: Nicolò Renna Trio, "Las Abejas"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs10/30/2015 7:58:41 am PDT

re: #188 Patricia Kayden

I assume foreigners know that Americans believe (and are very vocal about this belief) that the U.S.A. is the greatest country in the word, bar none. Long before I moved here from Canada, I sensed that Americans, for whatever reason, are convinced that their country is superior in every way to all other countries. So I assume the Chinese and Saudi Arabians in the audience listening to Fiorina just took her comments in stride.

To some degree, don’t all people have a certain allegiance and passion for their own countries? My husband loves Canada. He also loves the US. He’s from a border town so MI is just a spit away and they went to Detroit often to go to the zoo and the arts centers, etc. (When he was a kid, most television came from the US. For years he thought he was lived in the US - he didn’t get that Canada was a different country.)

I don’t have a problem with loving ones country. It’s when you feel your country is the best and fuck the rest of the world we will take whatever we want and annex every other country through policy or war, if necessary, although those other icky countries really aren’t worthy, because Fuck Yeah! USA! USA!