
Global Warming Nontroversy of the Day

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All11/20/2009 1:09:11 pm PST

re: #74 bosforus

This might be a good thread to discuss the difference between hacking and cracking. As I understand it, hacking is the manipulation of data for an alternate use from its intended use but it is not illegal. Cracking, on the other hand, is the illegal breaching of a software/hardware’s security measures to obtain information. Colloquially, I believe the word “hacking” has become what “cracking” really is.

We can expound further, Hacking can be illegal, but not done with malicious intent. You can also use “White Hat”, “Grey Hat”, and “Black Hat” for hackers, Hackers are usually White Hat but can be Grey Hat, Crackers are usually Black Hat but can be Grey Hat. Think of Hackers as Rangers who must be Non Evil, and Thieves who must be Non Good in Dungeons and Dragons. The cracking of Palin’s was actually Grey Hat, Same with this email crack. So it could have been done by hackers or crackers. :)

oh and you’re right, Hacking != Cracking, despite the best efforts of the media to misuse the former and ignore the latter.