
Video: Sarah Palin Claims She's a Victim of Blood Libel

Slap1/12/2011 11:40:41 am PST

Somebody correct me if I’m wrong —

But what’s the standard for actual libel?

Seems to me that virtually everything I’ve seen that refers to the Alaska Asshat in this sordid episode deals with words she does not deny having used, and a map whose existence is beyond dispute.

If a person says. “hey, that hat is green”, and I then say “you have bad hat taste”, have I committed libel?


More abuse of language.

More abuse of the intelligence of anyone with an IQ over 25.

My disgust knows no bounds. Yet, I am unsurprised. From the day she and her handlers deliberately misinterpreted the “lipstick on a pig” (HEY NOW — that’s LIBEL, dammit!) comment, I have had nothing but steaming contempt for the persona.

Alaskan Asshat.