
Overnight Acoustic: Ryan Spendlove, "Not That Strong"

Mattand10/26/2012 9:12:40 am PDT

re: #219 Gretchen G.Tiger

Believing in the concept of G-d is difficult these days. At least in conversation—I never know if people believe as I do —that humans are not the masters of the universe and beyond that who the fuck knows? - or they truly believe there is some sky-god out there and that we must praise his hame LOUDLY.

I understand that there are different levels of thinking and that children and some others have minds that can’t grasp the metaphysical way I think about things. And that makes we worry.

Growing up Catholic, the amount of fear and guilt that is instilled in you is frightening. Love God or else. It’s like living in fear from a vengeful ex who can transmute the laws of the universe.

I worked with the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life for a few years. It’s amazing how many people credit their survival to God and footnote the doctors and science that actually saved him.

Where the fuck was He when you got the cancer in the first place? Running scrimmage with Tim Tebow?

What’s really heartbreaking is the parents of kids with cancer. I can’t imagine the agony involved with watching your child suffer like that. If there was any sort of god watching over us, kids would not be dying of disease, starvation or abuse. Period.