
Donald Trump Throws His Weight Around, Threatens to Pull Out of Debate, Other Candidates Follow Suit

Pawn of the Oppressor10/15/2015 4:45:50 pm PDT

And I agree that intervention at an early age is huge, huge, huge.

If I’d have been told at age 7 or 8 that I had a specific condition that made social connection harder, my whole life would have been different. Don’t think that a kid that young can’t understand what to do… If I’d have known, I would have been able to help myself even that young.

And it’s very, very important to combat social loneliness too. Feeling almost physically disconnected from social interaction can lead to some very dark, unhappy places, so in a perfect world I’d find a way to help kids with ASD form friendships and find playmates and NOT be made to feel outcast or “weird” in a bad way.

Back in the 80’s, if you were ASD, nobody knew it. You might have older teachers who saw enough to put you in special advanced classes for what you were good at, and treat you with kindness, but the rank-and-file kids would usually brand and shun you.

Basically if autistic issues were treated like when a kid has a broken arm, instead of like they have a broken soul, things would be easier for everyone: Be open about the injury, show off the cast, talk about it, make sure everybody understands the treatment plan, be light-hearted, and don’t shut everything inside.