
Gaffney's Sekrit Mozlem Prezdent Theory

FurryOldGuyJeans6/09/2009 10:59:33 am PDT

re: #219 Dave the…..


That is one of the complaints about GM being owned by the Gov’t. Know they will make decisions based on politics instead of business reasons. There could be pressure to end ads on Rush’s show.

Chrysler has already had the Federal Commisars say the advertising budget is drastically slashed, so I would not be surprised if GM follows suit.

Obama Halves Chrysler’s Planned Marketing Budget
Task Force Agrees Automaker Needs Advertising — Just Not $134 Million Worth

By Jean Halliday
Published: May 11, 2009

DETROIT ( — Chrysler wanted to spend $134 million in advertising over the nine weeks it’s expected to be in bankruptcy — the U.S. Treasury’s auto-industry task force gave it half that.

So if GM, which is wrestling with the possibility of a Chapter 11 filing itself, is wondering how much influence the task force will have over marketing, the answer is: plenty. However, transcripts from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Southern District of New York, where the Chrysler case is being heard, proved for the first time that the task force at least understands that advertising is a necessary expense — even if it doesn’t think Chrysler needs $134 million for nine weeks of car ads.