
Sarah Palin Goes Rogue Against the GOP

doubter444410/22/2009 8:48:25 pm PDT

re: #131 Charles

The Wall Street Journal’s editorial pages lurched to the far right immediately after the paper was bought by Murdoch.

I mentioned that yesterday.
It’s pretty clear.
I’ve read the WSJ for years and the difference is startling. And depressing. I truly think he is using it to shore up Beck and the much mire profitable Television revenues… if the WSJ thinks it and Beck does, hoe can it not be true? Or of importance?
This is the real result of the deregulation of the FCC’s over-site of papers and news outlets.
It’s frightening. And it’s be frightening if the left was doing it.
Murdoch does not have the best interest of this nation in mind, he has profits.