
Philanderer to Endorse Philanderer

Birth Control Works12/04/2011 10:18:20 pm PST

re: #230 freetoken

The last really big debate, by big meaning mainstream media from several organizations, is the one coming up and to which the candidates will show. Then after that is the Fox debate. The Des Moines Register debate, which in 2008 had some of the more contentious questions, has been cancelled and folded into the one coming up at the end of the week.

Then after Christmas is when Trump is planning on having his show - we’ll see if anyone shows up.

Then in the first week of Jan will be the IA caucuses. After that the show moves to NH, where there will be 2 or 3 back to back debates, then the NH primary.

And so on.

It’s a roadshow, like the circuses of old. Complete with clowns, acrobats, and a few elephants.

Thank you for the synopsis. You are so good at that.

I specifically appreciate your UN/Climate Change reports from the other day.