
Texas Senate Anti-Choice Debate: Tampons Confiscated, Guns Not a Problem

A Mom Anon7/12/2013 4:27:55 pm PDT

re: #210 Stashed_The_Bill

It leaves my argument that around ONE PERCENT of abortions occur at the 20 week mark. That’s where it leaves it. It’s not a common thing, it’s rare. In fact, the report you site says that some of those later term abortions could be or might be avoided with more adequate access to proper facilities sooner in the pregnancy. Making it more difficult to get to the proper clinic and having to jump through more hoops than ANY man has to do for ANY MEDICAL procedure is the problem here. You want fewer abortions? Lobby for proper sex education, for more available and affordable birth control, keep fairy tales and religious nonsense out of classrooms and teach the biology. Lobby to keep clinics open and encourage those clinics to hold classes for younger and yes, even some older adults who don’t understand simple human biologic processes. Keep the slut shaming and fear mongering out of sexual health and education and you’d see a dramatic drop in abortions, I’d bet actual money on that.

Anyone who thinks that women casually get ANY abortion, let alone one at the 20 week mark, because of some imagined “inconvenience” or consider it no more than a manicure is a fool at best.