
Trump Surrogate Gen. Flynn Retweets Blatant Antisemite, Then Says It Was a "Mistake"

A Mom Anon7/24/2016 3:09:22 pm PDT

re: #203 gocart mozart

Yeah, for a country that touts itself as Land of The Free and Home of The Brave we have an awful lot of perpetually scared people running around with their hair (and pants) on fire. From the open carry crybabies who ran away while police ran toward someone shooting at them, to the constant conspiracy theories (some complete with actual scary music in the backround) circulating and recycling all over the internet, to the constant OMGWEAREALLGOINGTODIE drumbeat of gloom everywhere, we look like scared paranoid idiots to anyone looking at as with even a passing glance.

For a nation that’s supposed to be the bestest ever in the whole world EVER, why the fuck are so many of us so angry and unhappy? Why is there a 50 percent divorce rate? Why are so many of us on multiple medications for depression and anxiety? (and this is not disparaging that, meds saved my mom’s life, but they don’t work for me at all, these pills help some and not others, another topic)Why are we shooting each other at the highest rate in the “civilized world”? Why do we hurt and torture and rape and murder each other so often? Something is wrong and we cannot talk about it because we’re, as a nation, scared of too much too often.

I don’t know about ya’all, but I am sick of bullies, liars and hateful assholes breaking everything and ruining familes and neighborhoods with this shit.