
Thursday Night Music: Regina Spektor, 'Laughing With'

The Shadow Do6/25/2009 8:07:18 pm PDT

It is absolutely pointless to argue with the Avanti’s of this world. The thick fog of progressive ideology will not be parted by logic nor even experience. When the present apparently robust Studebaker micro economy, right alongside the general macro, collapses due to lack of buyers with throw away income, he will still be convinced that happy days are just around the corner. Why? Because he believes it to be so. Why? Because somebody said so. And he really hopes that it is true. This kind of faith will get you a long and arduous internship in hurt. But that is just how it is folks. This is why history repeats, and repeats, and repeats, and……

/Avanti, a slowed rise in unemployment does not make a case for future prosperity; it is a measure of unemployment/suffering! It is a notch on the misery scale and nothing more.