
Will Obama Prosecute CIA Officials or Won't He?

looking closely4/22/2009 11:48:00 am PDT

re: #203 razorbacker

I guess that I haven’t been following this closely enough. I was under the impression that the actual agents that did the interrogations were not going to be prosecuted, but the the lawyers who had signed off on the methods of interrogation might be prosecuted.

My understanding as well.

Its ridiculous on its face. Bush administration gov’t lawyers are going to be criminally prosecuted by the gov’t for providing politically unpopular legal advice AFTER the FACT?

Huh? What’s the “crime” here?

That doesn’t even pass the laugh test; it would get laughed out of court.

Which makes you wonder the seriousness of it all.

Obama is playing some pretty petty crap here, and its going to backfire.