
Tea Party 'Hero' Arrested For Rape, Stolen Grenade Launcher Discovered

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks1/20/2010 7:26:48 pm PST

When the Ron Paul Revolution ended, the Tea Parties began. Actually, the Paulians started the Tea Party protests a couple years before that, but I digress. The Tea Party is not now, nor has it been, a conservative movement. It’s a Paul-bot movement.

These “random”, “occasional” kooks are not operating in a vacuum. The Tea Party movement appeals to them, welcomes them, enables them, and gives them platforms from which to speak. And these kooks are neither random nor occasional. They are the movement, they run the movement, they organize the movement.

These kooks are not “the odd man out” in these Tea Parties, the rational conservatives are, and they are being suckered into the movement by a concerted effort to white-wash the ugliness that lies just beneath the surface.