
The Giant Breitbart Awakes

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/28/2012 10:26:52 pm PDT

The guy who is turning his back on the UK (after his companies have been exposed for their wire tapping of officials) is expressing his displeasure with today’s event:

Rupert Murdoch: Health care ruling makes me ‘worry’


“Following the Supreme Court hearings, I’m a little surprised, but it’s clearly — it will be seen as a big victory for the president,” the News Corp. chairman and CEO said Thursday on Fox News, moments after the highly anticipated decision was read. “They’ll all be doing high-fives at the moment at the White House. But on the other hand, every poll showed it’s not a popular bill, so we’re going to the election and fight it there, I imagine.”


We‘re” - in other words, Murdoch is quite clear about his partisan approach to this, and nothing could be clearer as to why Fox News does what it does.