
Mitt #Romney Pushes "They're Taking God Off Our Money" Conspiracy Theory in Virginia

goddamnedfrank9/08/2012 7:29:34 pm PDT

re: #214 jaunte

Joe Scarborough thinks the GOP should have gone more conservative with their nominee:
“Maybe there seemed to be such a disparity between the two conventions because the Republican Party has never been the least bit excited about its nominee.”

Yeah but who though? The reason they went with Romney is that he was the most competitive against Obama. If they’d gone with somebody they actually like his numbers would be shit, regardless of how excited they were about him. Pawlenty was the only viable option I could see and he chickened out after the Iowa straw poll. Scarborough’s statement is an easy one to make, but I don’t see him offering any specifics, and that’s the problem, he can’t. The entire Republican field this time around was complete crap, with Romney nominated because he was the least bad, not because anybody actually trusted him or thought he stood for anything.