
Election Night Open Thread 4

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/09/2016 3:41:17 am PST

re: #228 Anymouse

You can win the election by ten million votes or more in the popular vote and still lose.

Not in practice, though.

Bush lost to Gore by only 500k votes.

But what we’re going to see here is a noticeably larger margin.

The mechanics of the US Constitution are one thing. Popular opinion is another. Regardless of the magical thinking of the religious right about how every jot and tittle of the Constitution is to be followed as if the Word of God, in the larger picture our society is slowly changing.

Drumpfskind winning is a victory for style over substance.

But this is a luxury we have when our economy is good.

Too many Americans this time thought they had the luxury of sitting this one out.

That may not be true in 2 or 4 years.

And this is where the popular vote counts - it really does reflect that a majority of people who cared to vote really did not choose Drumpf, and it is unlikely they will change their minds in 2 or 4 years.