
Connecticut Bishops Fight Sex Abuse Bill

~Fianna4/12/2010 5:06:38 pm PDT

re: #230 EmmmieG

I’m afraid I will have to disagree with you. Sex is not a trivial thing, and a person should understand the consequences and the end results before engaging in it. I remember myself at 16. I was an idiot.

To try to pretend that a 15 year old is just like an adult is to ignore the actual MRI scans showing that they are not. The brains aren’t done yet.

But those brains are built with a healthy impulse to have sex.

Most teenagers do dumb things and live to tell the tale. They always have.

It’s insane to try and legislate hormones. Especially when we’re reinforcing the notion that young women shouldn’t want or desire sex and that somehow women who do are either victims or sluts.