
Rebuttal: Bobby Jindal's Risible Op-Ed for CNN

Dark_Falcon11/15/2012 1:31:45 pm PST

re: #229

He thinks he knows best, even when it’s obvious to EVERYBODY that he doesn’t. He pays zero attention to any experts on any matter- he relies on whatever “expertise” is in his head, which more often than not is way off base. He does not engage anybody else in his decision making, with the result his decisions are often faulty, and in a big way. On that particular topic, I can’t say more than that right now.

He is good at putting on a show during a crisis. But for the everyday things that have to be dealt with in running a state government…. Not. Will not answer questions. Keeps important matters secret and tries to accomplish them under the radar if he thinks there will be opposition. He does not know how to work WITH people…he only knows how to steamroll over them.

OK, that is indeed a serious problem and I’ll need to think about that one.

May I ask, though, if you’ll be around a little or if you’ll be back to watching from afar? I did enjoy you being here.