
Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

iceweasel2/10/2010 4:42:32 pm PST

re: #233 keloyd

I can’t disagree, but I can quibble.
1. Conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime here, probably there too. A certain latitude in the definition of ‘conspiracy’ seems to be afoot. They’ve had plenty of experience with the IRA and have loyal citizens of various ethnicities who can spy better than our law enforcement who look a bit too much like extras form King of The Hill.
2. Freedom of speech does not extend to incitement of violence here, and their freedom of speech is less robust than ours. Deporting a troublesome imam for a really juicy sermon may be reasonable.

They’ve already got various people, including Americans, on a no-fly list for hatespeech and the like.
For the record, I don’t support the US adopting measures similar to the Brits w/r/t free speech.