
Overnight Open Thread

Bagua5/31/2010 4:05:07 am PDT

re: #141 Nimed

Tomorrow morning we’re going to have a “say the most hyperbolic shit you can think of, as long as it is sympathetic toward Israel or against Arabs/Europe/Teh Left” contest in LGF. Mandy was ready to tell Obama to go fuck himself and bomb Lebanon (not Lebanon, Hezbollah!) yesterday, so we can expect solutions involving nuclear bombs tomorrow. Anyone up for a bet? No warnings, though.

Ok, I looked up your comment since you brought it up:

Great advice, Mandy.

Yes, Israel, tell the President of the country that is your closest ally to shut the fuck up while you decide to bomb sovereign nations that, like it or not, have every right to sell weapons to each other.

UN Security Council Resolution 1701 which ended the Second Lebanon War in 2006, banned the rearming of Hizbullah.

Supplying the Iranian terrorist proxy Hezballah with Syrian and Iranian ballistic missiles to fire on Israel in the next round is not a “right”, in fact it is forbidden by the UN Security Council.