
Image: A Planet of Another Star

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/10/2010 4:29:16 pm PDT

re: #228 Bagua

The Islamists are doing their best to impose Sharia law on other Muslims and even non-Muslims in their communities. They take advantage of the cover given them by liberals who have the sorts of attitudes I am challenging.

The result is the oppression of women, gays and non-believers within their communities and their intention in not simple “arbitration”, they are using this to get the camels nose in the tent.

How are they imposing Sharia law on non-Muslims, exactly?

What sort of attitude are you challenging? Nobody is saying that Sharia law is the same as any other form of law. Obviously all forms of law are different.

What was being said was that if you allow one religion to have separate courts (still under the jurisdiction and observance of the larger legal system and not able to violate its laws) then you should allow other religions the same privilege.

If, for example, a Sharia arbitration ‘court’ was set up in the US, but they did not take the testimony of women with the same weight as men, that would be illegal, and not allowed. So I don’t see what it is that you’re saying is occurring.

Can you explain how Muslims are enforcing Sharia law on non-Muslims, in the US or Britain? I’m not that familiar with Britain’s legal system, so I can accept that maybe there’s some way it diminishes protection when you engage with one of these courts.