
Wikileaks Revenge Hacker Arrested in Netherlands

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]12/09/2010 6:24:02 pm PST

re: #139 tradewind

Well of course. The practice of science as a career today generally demands a capacity for endless patience with … nah, make that embracing tangled bureaucracy, a tolerance for hours and hours of repeating the same mistakes expecting different results, a high threshold for acceptance of red tape and overreaching regulation, and strict adherence to the philosophy that man is his own higher power.
Not hard to figure out which party is most attractive to that demographic. Spare me the exceptions, they of course exist.
/only half sarc/

yes, it’s all this reason people become scientists.


because of course it couldn’t be…
because they’re intellectually curious.

because they want to help people.

because they enjoy the sense of discovery.

because they’re talented and want to use their talents to their fullest potential.

The things you write sometimes are so dumb and insulting it actually wraps around and becomes cute! Sorta the way my cat goes HEY LOOK AT ME! after sending a pint glass crashing to the floor