
Discovery Institute's Klinghoffer: 'Darwin's Tree of Death'

Dark_Falcon4/20/2009 7:18:38 pm PDT

re: #188 Shiplord Kirel

Creationists like this Klinghoffer are not delusional, they are not ignorant, and they are not funny. They are depraved bastards, willful liars all. This is consistent with the white trash culture of their religious power-centers; the belief, historically rooted in envy of the slaveholder class, that getting away with stupidity is a more certain demonstration of power than intelligence. Similarly, the actual desirability of personal honesty is an alien concept to them. Their respect for the plain truth is limited to using it as a club with which to beat the less powerful. Their every waking moment is spent figuring out new ones to be stupid and dishonest while upholding their pitifully transparent figleaf of piety.

Won’t the “Liars for Jesus” be surprised when they finally meet Jesus. They’ll be expecting praise and instead they’ll hear “Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire!”