
The Roots of Obama's Nefarious Communist Volunteerist Plot - Revealed!

DaddyG10/21/2009 10:08:42 am PDT

re: #225 suchislife

To me, that is hard partisanship. It’s a part of politics I accept, if the borderline is respected and it is not an elected official. But that’s not what Beck does. Beck lies. He libels. He demonizes his opponents. He is incoherent. He is racist. I consider this a false equivilancy for the sake of “balance”.

Of course Franken, McKinney, Frank, Pelosi, Murtha,, the Obama campaign, Reed, Code Pink, ELF, Greenpeace, Jesse Jackson, et al. never lie, demonize, engage in racism or cross the line. ///

I was not engaging in equivelency I was asking left-leaning lizards why they characterize bad behavior on the part of the Republican fringe and attempt to portray it as mainstream Republican thought while they seem to excuse similar behavior in their own party as fringe?

Again the question remains- how do you measure these things and find such a disparity between parties? Given some of your questions I suspect it is a case of not wanting to see our own warts.

Other than Charles and a few affiliated bloggers holding the rights feet to the flame I don’t see anyone else willing to take on their own party. I don’t know of an equivalent movement on the left.