
And Now, Inevitably, the Return of the Son of Dan Quayle

Schroedinger's Dog8/11/2010 8:34:21 pm PDT

re: #233 prairiefire

We have to keep reinforcing the strength of our overall society. Conservatives and Republicans claim they are not for Anarchy. What they don’t want is to extend the reach of the government. They also don’t seem to be willing to pay for our existing infrastructure and bills**medicare-D, wars, tax cuts for the wealthy**.
The Republicans also want to tell my daughter and niece what they can legally do with their own reproductive systems, strip the 14th amendment, allow creationism to be taught if public schools, hmmm. There’s more. I don’t want to go on too much. So~~~ there is a choice between the two parties.

GOP: Control people’s bodies and minds, but leave business alone.