
Paris City Council Votes to Sue Fox News Over False "No-Go Zones" Reports

Pawn of the Oppressor2/17/2015 8:02:18 pm PST

I’ve been thinking about the economic side of ISIS since reading - or trying to read** - Graeme Wood’s article on ISIS at The Atlantic.

What the hell does this “caliphate” do for work? What’s the economic plan for their little Nickel-Pisspot Kingdom of Blood? Do they tax the people who haven’t been murdered yet? What happens when trade dries up? Drugs, oil, and guns?

Man, Bush 43 didn’t just fuck the country, he fucked the entire future. Nobody liked Saddam, but look what’s happened since his little adventure tore the lid off the place.

** The writing isn’t bad. The subject matter itself is so sickening that I couldn’t stomach reading the whole article.