
Trump Tries to Deflect Racism Accusations With Fake Photo of Black Family

Anymouse ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿก๐Ÿ˜ท6/04/2016 4:28:36 pm PDT

re: #233 klys (maker of Silmarils)

We had a good time reading those.

Picking through my own Primary ballot in Nebraska, I had to sort through all the Democrats running for my state district that were honing in on the derp that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts or life begins at conception or other nonsense.

Turns out of the many candidates running for my district in the Unicameral, only one actually holds to the idea that a womanโ€™s body is her own and an egg is not a chicken (or a human). That was the person I voted for.

The Internet is a big help in sorting out primary candidates. Too bad the Internet is pretty much limited in my town to the library and my house. On the other hand, the only other Democrat here is my wife.